October 25, 2007

Epiphany of Awkward

My friend Andrew emphasized how awkward life is during our Tuesday night bible study. Awkwardness is wafting all over this planet. We find it in everything from a poorly executed fist pound or hand shake, to a misinterpreted expression on the playground, to the "important" business meeting that you have nothing to report, to trying to understand the opposite gender. It was great to explore this with the guys during our discussion on the book of Daniel. Life's awkwardness is something that had been reoccurring to me in the recent few months and has started to show itself in a different light. A light of opportunity. Most of the time we don't like to feel awkward, but only recently have I enjoyed awkwardness for what it is. A simple and powerful experience/emotion when feeling out of place.

It seems to want to create fear...on the contrary, let awkwardness bring smiles. We have a choice to let it paralyze us or we can laugh in it's face and thrive on it. Since it is mainly experienced by the combination of our actions juxtaposed to others, awkwardness nags at us to not take a risk, to stay home with fear of failure and looking like an idiot. Do not eliminate this experience that God allows in our lives, but turn that into wings to soar. It may seem like trying to fly with bricks instead of wings, but what do you think the first airplane was made of?...eh? Yeah, that's right.

Daniel had to go and be awkward but he didn't care, so it was actually opportunity acting against the kings request that nobody worship anything other than him for a certain amount of time...

Faith is awkward. Love your awkwardness. Sometimes lions don't eat people.

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